Academic counseling:

  • General advice for interested students
  • Questions concerning studies: e.g. study plan, electives, examination regulations, change of the place of study or change of the study program, etc.
  • Compulsory advising for students changing their course of study
  • Counseling in special situations (e.g. studying with a child, disability, (chronic) illness and difficult life situations)
Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here:

Please send inquiries by email to Dr. Gerda Fischer
E-Mail: fachstudienberatung∂

Student Advisors:

Dr. Gerda Fischer
General questions about studies; mandatory consultations
Physikhochhaus 4/11; Tel. 0721 608-43443
Consultation hours: Please arrange a time by mail
E-Mail: gerda.fischer∂

Prof. Dr. Andreas H. Fink
Meteorology questions
Physikhochhaus 13/14; Tel. 0721 608-48711
Consultation hours: by appointment
E-Mail: andreas.fink∂

Prof. Dr. Andreas Rietbrock
Geophysics questions
Westhochschule, Geb. 6.42; Tel. 0721 608-44431
Consultation hours: by appointment
E-Mail: andreas.rietbrock∂

Dr. Antje Bergmann
Questions about the teacher study program
Gerthsen-HS, Zimmer 2.01; Tel. 0721 608-47643
Consultation hours: by appointment
E-Mail: bergmann∂

Bachelor's program, orientation exam:

  • Recognition of examination results when changing courses of study and when transferring from other universities (also from abroad)
  • Recognition of examination achievements when studying abroad and in exchange programs
  • Recognition of achievements made outside the university system
  • Extensions of time limits for examinations
  • Approval of exam facilitations in difficult life situations, recognition of medical certificates
  • Requests for a second repetition of an examination
  • Orientation exam
  • Certificates for BAFöG: Please submit a current extract of your examination results to the Department's Examination Office.

More detailed information on some of these items can be found on the Bachelor's program Frequently Asked Questions page.

The Vice Chairman of the Examination Board:
Prof. Dr. Kirill Melnikov
Physikhochhaus 11/06; Tel. 0721 608-43883
E-Mail: pa-bsc∂
Please contact the examination board via email and also send us any necessary documents. If required, we will arrange an appointment for a personal meeting with you.

Master's program:

  • Recognition of examination results when changing courses of study and when transferring from other universities (also from abroad)
  • Recognition of examination achievements when studying abroad and in exchange programs
  • Recognition of achievements made outside the university system
  • Approval of elective courses
  • Extension of deadlines for examinations or for the submission of the Master's thesis
  • Approval of examination facilitations in difficult life situations, recognition of attests
  • Approval of master's theses
  • Requests for second repetition of examinations
  • Certificates for BAFöG: Please obtain certificates of examination performance in advance from the Deparment's Examination Office.

More detailed information on some of these items can be found on the Master's program Frequently Asked Questions page.

The Chairman of the Examination Board:
Prof. Dr. David Hunger
Physikhochhaus 3/12; Tel. 0721 608-43510
E-Mail: pa-msc∂

The examination board can be reached at any time by e-mail for inquiries regarding the master's program. If a personal meeting is necessary, e.g. for deadline extensions or if you need advice, you can also come to the office hours on Wednesdays from 14:00 (office Prof. Hunger, 3-12).


  • Recognition of diplomas, MSc. etc. (especially from abroad).

Prof. Dr. Kirill Melnikov
Physikhochhaus 11/06; Tel. 0721 608-43883
E-Mail: kirill.melnikov∂
Consultation hours: by appointment

General examination and study matters:

  • Enrollment/Exmatriculation
  • Application for break semesters
  • Questions about tuition fees

Studierendenservice of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (building 10.12)

Examination matters within the faculty:

  • Admission certificates and registration for examinations (please collect certificates at least two weeks before the examination)
  • provisional transcripts and grade reports
  • Admission and registration for Bachelor and Master theses

Examination office of the faculty:
Anja Müller
Physics building 9/13; Tel. 0721 608-43438
E-Mail: pruefungssekretariat∂
Office hours: Wed. 10:00-12:00, furthermore contact by e-mail.

The office is closed on Wednesday, October 15, 2024. Thesis can be submitted at the dean's office or by mail. In the latter case a confirmation from the first examiner is required.

Information for foreign students:

  • Application and admission
  • Information on language exams
  • Advice for foreign students

International Students Office of KIT
Building 50.20, Adenauerring 2

Study abroad, international exchange programs:

  • German-French double master's degree
  • Study abroad (ERASMUS+), advice on applying for scholarships abroad

Information from the Department of Physics on these programs

Prof. Dr. Bernd Pilawa
Coordination Office: Physikhochhaus 1/15; Tel. 0721 608-44310
E-Mail: bernd.pilawa∂
Office hours: Di. 13:30-15:00 Uhr and Do. 13:30-15:00 Uhr